Monday, July 13, 2009

National Day Parade

I just came back from the NDP show and I'm soaking wet ! It was raining really heavily yesterday, like a ranging torrent of water, you could say it was raining elephants and whales. Speaking of whales, we also had a whale of a time watching the performences. My favourite one was the water show, a few navy boats were chasing a bunch of terrorists, and it ended with a bang.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ancient Greece

It would be kinda cool living in ancient Greece coz no girls were allowed at school. Boys will rule! We also can go to the arena and gladiators and watch gladiators pulverise each other...Or was it the Romans that were the gladiators...Anyway the only entertainment would be plays[which I think are boring] and the Olympics which only comes once in every four years! I think i'll rather live in my comfy home and watch T.V.